Celebrate Spring!
/Today is the first day of Spring! The days ahead are sure to bring a welcomed spring in our step and sunlight to our lives. Spring is my favorite season as all the trees and flowers are starting to make their debut. Today as I celebrate Spring, I also remember Jo Ann Lumpkin, today was her birthday. Some of you may know of her, for those who do not - she was my high school art instructor and a close friend. I always enjoyed going back home and spending time with her and catching up. She passed away February 22, 2010.
She was a talented artist who I admired since the first art class I took from her. When I was a freshman - I attempted to paint from a photograph taken several years ago of a small colt from our family photos. Let's just say, painting animals was not my strong suit, it was not pretty. At that time I only hoped that after four years of her guidance, I would have just an ounce of the talent she had. I grew to favor realism art over abstract because that was what Mrs. Lumpkin excelled in. I did learn I had a strong eye for detail and she was the person who encouraged me to go into the Graphic Design program at FHSU where I received my Bachelor of Fine Arts.
I recently came across the old reddish faded photos along with the negatives in almost mint condition from that Memorial Weekend when my horse, Show-n-Tell had her colt. I was surprised how good the color turned out in from the negatives that I burned to a CD. At the time, I took several photos to my art class and Mrs. Lumpkin selected one of them she wanted to draw. It reminded me of the Inspirations exhibit I have coordinated for the past few years. This is the original photograph she worked from, the image of her colored pencil drawing is below.
Several years ago, my dad gave me this print of the colored pencil drawing. If she ever titled her drawing, I do not know what it is. After all these years, I thought it would be fun to share this photo/drawing set from an artist who was an inspiration to me.
Source: Uploaded by user via Tammy on Pinterest
"The best artists in Heaven get to paint butterfly wings and sunsets." | ©The Family Circus, 09/21/2003