Mindy's Family
/ I met Mindy and her family while exploring the Kansas countryside with friends. With no destination in mind, we packed our cameras and set out to see if we could find anything of interest to photograph - we were in the Dover area when we first spotted Mindy and Dakotah on the hilltop. Daisy was near by as they all made their way down the hill. Joker is Mindy's son and has a distinct white patch on his forehead. He was waiting for them at the road - I believe Joker was ready for a favorite snack - apples. I was cautious as I approached Joker but he was very social. Even though I am sure I do not look like an apple, I apparently looked edible. I had a great time taking these photos and meeting Mindy' Family.
In order to post this gallery album, I numbered the photos. Eventually I will give each image a title. If you have any suggestions, please comment below, thanks!